硕士研究生指导教师简介 |
姓 名 |
陈浩 |

性 别 |
男 |
出生年月 |
1976.05 |
最高学历、学位 |
博士研究生、博士 |
职 称 |
教授 |
职 务 |
电子邮箱 |
3233@usts.edu.cn |
主要采用基于主要研究领域涉及:固体激光器、光纤激光器及其在医学、工业领域的应用技术探索;新型白光LED、白光激光照明技术研究及光学功能材料应用技术研究。近5年主持国家自然基金3项、江苏省重点研发计划1项、江苏省“333”人才工程项目1项,徐州市重点研发计划1项、军工子项目1项以及市级、校级和企业横向项目多项;发表SCI论文70余篇,申请专利120余项。作为主要工作完成人,曾获得江苏省科学技术奖三等奖1项(排名第二)、徐州市科技进步奖二等奖1项、淮海科技进步奖1项、 “中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文领跑者5000”论文奖1项等科技奖项,以及2015年度江苏省研究生培养模式改革成果奖(排名第二)、“挑战杯”全国竞赛江苏省选拔赛三等奖指导教师、校“十佳导师团队”带头人、校先进工作者等教学奖和工作荣誉称号。
(1)项目名称:Ho:YAG 透明陶瓷中“晶界”对激光振荡调控机理研究
2. .江苏省重点研发计划
1. Tianyuan ZHOU,Chen HOU,Le ZHANG,Yuelong MA,Jian KANG,Tao LI,Rui WANG,Jin HUANG,Junwei LI,Haidong REN,Zhenxiao FU,Farida A.SELIM,Ming LI, Hao Chen*. Efficient spectral regulation in Ce:Lu_3(Al,Cr)_5O_(12) and Ce:Lu_3(Al,Cr)_5O_(12)/Ce:Y_3Al_5O_(12) transparent ceramics with high color rendering index for high-power white LEDs/LDs[J].Journal of Advanced Ceramics,2021,10(05):1107-1118.
2. Yang Shunshun, ZHANG LE, Ma Yuelong, Sun Bingheng, Shan Yinshuang, Shi Zedi, Zhou Tianyuan, Wang Yun, Selim Farida A., Li Yanbin, Li Hongliang, Chen Hao*. A novel carbon thermal reduction approach to prepare recorded purity beta-Ti3O5 compacts from titanium dioxide and phenolic resin [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 853: 1873.
3. Xi Xiaoqian, ZHANG LE, Kang Jian, Li Yanbin, Wang Zhongying, Fei Bin, Cheng Xin, Huang Guocan, Li Ming, Chen Hao*. Chip-level Ce:GdYAG ceramic phosphors with excellent chromaticity parameters for high-brightness white LED device [J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(8): 11938-11946.
4. Sun Bingheng, ZHANG LE, Huang Guocan, Li Yanbin, Zhou Tianyuan, Kang Jian, ZHANG LEi, Ma Yuelong, Yao Qing, Selim Farida A, Chen Hao*. Fabrication, optical and luminescence properties of low pressure injection molded YAG:Ce tubular ceramics for outdoor lighting [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(2): 1564-1571.
5. Ma Yuelong, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Sun Bingheng, Hou Chen, Yang Shunshun, Huang Jin, Wang Rui, Selim Farida A., Wang Zhongying, Li Ming, Chen Hao*, Wang Yun. Dual effect synergistically triggered Ce:(Y,Tb)3(Al,Mn)5O12 transparent ceramics enabling a high color-rendering index and excellent thermal stability for white LEDs [J]. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2021, 41(4): 2834-2846.
6. Ma Yuelong, ZHANG LE, Huang Jin, Wang Rui, Li Tao, Zhou Tianyuan, Shi Zedi, Li JunWei, Li Yanbin, Huang Guocan, Wang Zhongying, Selim Farida A., Li Ming, Wang Yun, Chen Hao*. Broadband emission Gd3Sc2Al3O12:Ce3+ transparent ceramics with a high color rendering index for high-power white LEDs/LDs [J]. Optics Express, 2021, 29(6): 9474-9493.
7. Huang Jin, Nia Yiran, Ma Yuelong, Li Yanbin, Sun Zixuan, Zhu Xiaoyu, Wang Rui, Li Tao, Xi Xiaoqian, Huang Guocan, Zhou Tianyuan, Li Ming, Haidong Ren, ZHANG LE, Chen Hao*. Composite structure Cr:YAG/Ce:YAG and (Ce,Cr):YAG/Ce:YAG transparent ceramics with high color rendering index for white LEDs/LDs [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47: 11415-11422.
8. Hou Chen, Lu Yi, ZHANG LE, Shan Yingshuang, Shao Cen, Kang Jian, Chen Dongshun, Wang Zhongying, Ma Yuelong, Li Yanbin, Chen Hao*. Effective calcination pretreatment of Lu2O3 powders for LuAG transparent ceramics [J]. Ceramics International, 2021, 47(5): 6023-6029.
9. 张曦月,张乐,孙炳恒,马跃龙,康健,侯晨,姜本学,刘永福,陈浩*.高功率密度激发荧光材料的反常热猝灭效应[J].发光学报,2021,42(10):1458-1481
10. 袁明星, 周天元, 周伟, 李延彬, 侯晨, 郗晓倩, 单迎双, 马跃龙, 张乐, 陈浩*. 太阳光直接泵浦固体激光器研究进展 [J]. 发光学报, 2021, 42(1)
11. Ma Yuelong, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Sun Bingheng, Wang Yun, Kang Jian, Gao Pan, Huang Jin, Selim Farida A., Wong Ching Ping, Li Ming, Chen Hao*. High Recorded color rendering index in single Ce,(Pr,Mn):YAG transparent ceramics for high-power white LEDs/LDs [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(13): 4329-4337.
12. Ma Yuelong, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Hou Chen, Kang Jian, Yang Shunshun, Xi Xiaoqian, Yuan Mingxing, Huang Jin, Wang Rui, Selim Farida A., Li Ming, Wang Yun, Chen Hao*. High quantum efficiency Ce:(Lu,Y)3(Al,Sc)2Al3O12 transparent ceramics with excellent thermal stability for high-power white LEDs/LDs [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2020, 8(46): 16427-16435.
13. 康健, 张乐, 单迎双, 陈浩*. 激光白光光源及其光学系统解析 [J]. 应用光学, 2019, 40(5): 787-797.
14. 康健, 单迎双, 马跃龙, 甄方正, 张乐, 陈浩*. 高流明密度激光照明用光转换材料[J]. 化学进展, 2019, 31(2/3): 322-336.
15. ZHANG LE, Yao Qing, Ma Yuelong, Sun Bingheng, Shao Cen, Zhou Tianyuan, Wang Yun, Selim Farida A., Wong Ching Ping, Chen Hao*. Taguchi method assisted multiple effects optimization on optical and luminescence performance of Ce: YAG transparent ceramics for high power white LEDs [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(37): 11431 -11440.
16. ZHANG LE, Wu Jiadong, Stepanov Petr, Haseman Micah, Zhou Tianyuan, Winarski David, Saadatkia Pooneh, Agarwal Sahil, Selim Farida A., Yang Hao, Zhang Qitu, Wang Yun, Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. Defects and solarization in YAG transparent ceramics [J]. Photonics Research, 2019, 7(5): 549-557.
17. Wu Jiadong, Chen Yu, Liu Jun, ZHANG LE, Chen Hao*, Fan Dianyuan. Ultra-high order harmonic mode-locking of a Raman fiber laser [J]. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12(9): 7.
18. Sun Bingheng, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Shao Cen, ZHANG LEi, Ma Yuelong, Yao Qing, Jiang Zhigang, Selim Farida A., Chen Hao*. Protected-annealing regulated defects to improve optical properties and luminescence performance of Ce:YAG transparent ceramics for white LEDs [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(14): 4057-4065.
19. Shao Cen, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Gao Pan, Kang Jian, Sun Bingheng, Hou Chen, Li Yixin, Yao Qing, Wu Jiadonng, Chen Hao*. Tunable blue/yellow emission in high-power white LED devices packaged with Ce:(Y, Gd)AG transparent ceramics [J]. Ceramics International, 2019, 45(11): 14420-14425.
20. Shan Yingshuang, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Shao Cen, ZHANG LEi, Ma Yuelong, Yao Qing, Jiang Zhigang, Selim Farida A, Chen Hao*. One-order higher Cr4+ conversion efficiency in Cr4+: YAG transparent ceramics for high-frequency passively Q-switched laser [J]. Photonics Research, 2019, 7(8): 933-938.
21. Kang Jian, ZHANG LE, Li Yanbin, Ma Yuelong, Sun Bingheng, Liu Ying, Zhou Tianyuan, Selim Farida A., Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. Luminescence declining behaviors in YAG:Ce transparent ceramics for high power laser lighting [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7(45): 14357-14365.
22. ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Selim Farida A., Chen Hao*. Single CaO accelerated densification and microstructure control of highly transparent YAG ceramic [J]. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 101(2): 703-712.
23. ZHANG LE, Yao Qing, Yuan Zitian, Jiang Zhigang, Gu Lingcheng, Sun Bingheng, Shao Cen, Zhou Tianyuan, Bu Wei, Wang Yun, Chen Hao*. Ammonium citrate assisted surface modification and gel casting of YAG transparent ceramics [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(17): 21921-21927.
24. ZHANG LE, Sun Bingheng, Shao Cen, Zhen Fangzheng, Wei Shuai, Bu Wei, Yao Qing, Jiang Zhigang, Chen Hao*. Preparation, band-structure and luminescence of double perovskite Ba2MgMoO6:Eu3+ orange-red phosphor for white LEDs [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(14): 17305-17312.
25. ZHANG LE, Sun Bingheng, Gu Lingcheng, Bu Wei, Fu Xianzhu, Sun Rong, Zhou Tianyuan, Selim Farida A, Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. Enhanced light extraction of single-surface textured YAG:Ce transparent ceramics for high power white LEDs [J]. Applied Surface Science, 2018, 455: 425-432.
26. Shao Cen, ZHANG LE, Zhou Tianyuan, Gu Lingcheng, Sun Binghen, Jiang Zhigang, Yao Qing, Bu Wei, Wang Kaigang, Chen Hao*. Gd2O3 assisted densification of high quantity (Y, Gd)AG: Ce ceramic solid solutions and their luminescence characteristics [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(7): 8672-8678.
27. Li Quanbin, ZHANG LE, Zhen Fangzheng, Wei Shuai, Bu Wei, Yao Qing, Jiang Zhigang, Chen Hao*. Photoluminescence enhancement of novel K(Y,Lu)CaWO6: Eu3+ red phosphor prepared by controllable citrate-EDTA complexing method [J]. Ceramics International, 2018, 44(13): 15565-15571.
28. ZHANG LE, Li Zheng, Zhen Fangzheng, Wang Lixi, Zhang Qitu, Sun Rong, Selim Farida A., Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. High sinterability nano-Y2O3 powders prepared via decomposition of hydroxyl-carbonate precursors for transparent ceramics [J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2017, 52(14): 8556-8567.
29. ZHANG LE, Ben Yue, Wu Jiadong, Yang Hao, Wong Chingping, Zhang Qitu, Chen Hao*. Alumina assisted grain refinement and physical performance enhancement of yttria transparent ceramics by two-step sintering [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2017, 684: 466–469.
30. Wu Jiadong, Zhang Chunxiang, Liu Jun, Zhao Ting, Yao Weichao, Tang Pinghua, ZHANG LE, Chen Hao*. Over 19W Single-Mode 1545nm Er,Yb Codoped All-Fiber Laser, [J]. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2017, 2017(Article ID 7408565): 1-5.
31. Wei Shuai, ZHANG LE, Yang Hao, Zhou Tianyuan, Wong Chingping, Zhang Qitu, Chen Hao*. Preliminary study of 3D ball-milled powder processing and SPS-accelerated densification of ZnSe ceramics [J]. Optical Materials Express, 2017, 7(4): 1131-1140.
32. Wei Shuai, ZHANG LE, Ben Yue, Zhou Tianyuan, Li Zheng, Yang Hao, Selim Farida A., Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. High dispersibility of α-Al2O3 powders from coprecipitation method by step-by-step horizontal ball-milling [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(21): 16254-16261.
33. Ben Yue, ZHANG LE, Wei Shuai, Zhou Tianyuan, Li Zheng, Yang Hao, Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. Improved forming performance of β-TCP powders by doping silica for 3D ceramic printing [J]. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(7): 5391-5397.
Ben Yue, ZHANG LE, Wei Shuai, Zhou Tianyuan, Li Zheng, Yang Hao, Wang Yun, Selim Farida A., Wong Chingping, Chen Hao*. PVB modified spherical granules of β-TCP by spray drying for 3D ceramic printing [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 721: 312-319.