姓 名 |
陆焕钧 |

性 别 |
女 |
出生年月 |
1989.05 |
最高学历、学位 |
博士研究生、博士 |
职 称 |
副教授 |
职 务 |
电子邮箱 |
luhuanjun@usts.edu.cn |
2006.09-2010.06 南京大学,高分子化学与物理专业,本科;
2010.09-2013.06 南京大学,高分子化学与物理专业,硕士,导师:谌东中教授;
2013.10-2018.01 英国谢菲尔德大学,材料科学与工程专业,博士,导师:Prof. Goran Ungar;
2018.08-2021.08 苏州大学,材料与化学化工学部,博士后,合作导师:屠迎锋教授;
2021.11至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网,伟德国际1946源于英国。
主要从事液晶等软物质的复杂自组装结构研究工作。利用X射线衍射技术,结合反向傅里叶变换重构电子密度等方法,构建分子堆积模型,解析分子排列方式,明确结构与性能之间的构效关系。以第一作者或通讯作者在Angewandte Chemie International Edition、Nano Letters、Macromolecules等顶级期刊上发表多篇学术论文。主持国家自然科学基金1项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,江苏省高校基础科学(自然科学)研究面上项目1项。
1. Huanjun Lu, Xiangbing Zeng*, Goran Ungar*, Christian Dressel, Carsten Tschierske. The solution of the puzzle of smectic-Q: the phase structure and the origin of spontaneous chirality[J]. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2018, 57: 2835-2840. (封面文章)
2. Huanjun Lu, Xiaoyan Zhang, Tsuneaki Sakurai, Xiaohong Li, Yingfeng Tu*, Jun Guo, Shu Seki, Christopher Y. Li, Goran Ungar*, Stephen Z. D. Cheng. Frustrated layered self-assembly induced superlattice from two-dimensional nanosheets[J]. Nano Lett., 2020, 20: 8647-8653.
3. Hui Xie#, Huanjun Lu#, Zhilan Zhang, Xiaohong Li, Xiaoming Yang, Yingfeng Tu*. Effect of block number and weight fraction on the structure and properties of poly(butylene terephthalate)-block-poly(tetramethylene oxide) multiblock copolymers[J]. Macromolecules, 2021, 54: 2703-2710.
4.Jing Li, Yanyan Tu, Huanjun Lu*, Xianghong Li, Xiaoming Yang, Yingfeng Tu*. Rapid synthesis and properties of sustainable poly(ethylene 2,5-furandicarboxylate)-block-poly(tetramethylene oxide) multiblock copolymers. Polymer, 2021, 237: 124313.
5. Enjie He, Kai Tu, Jiannan Cheng, Huanjun Lu*, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Xiulin Zhu. Multimesophase transitions of main-chain liquid crystalline copolymers with strictly alternating fluorocarbon chains[J]. Polym. Chem., 2021, 12: 736-743.
6. Enjie He, Kai Tu, Jiannan Cheng, Yuxue Wang, Huanjun Lu*, Lifen Zhang*, Zhenping Cheng*, Synthesis and Phase Behavior of (Semifluorinated Alkane)-Based Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Copolymers, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2022, 43: 2200266.
7. Huanjun Lu, Hui Zou, Xingwei Chen, Wenhao Zhang, Bingbing Wang, Zhaoliang Cao, Yingfeng Tu*, Phase Behaviour of Liquid Crystalline Dendronized Fullerene Binary Mixtures, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2023, 11: 2647-2652.
8. Huanjun Lu, Xingwei Chen, Xiaohong Li, Wenxing Sun, Ying Wang, Yingfeng Tu*, Effect of Flexible Spacer and Alkyl Tail Length on the Liquid Crystalline Phase Behavior of Fullerene Block Molecules, Chem. Eur. J., 2023, e202301015.