姓 名 |
蔡增华 |

性 别 |
男 |
出生年月 |
1991.10 |
最高学历、学位 |
博士研究生、博士 |
职 称 |
讲师 |
职 务 |
电子邮箱 |
zhcai@usts.edu.cn |
2010.09-2014.06 伟德betvlctor体育官网,应用物理学专业,本科;
2014.09-2019.06 华东师范大学,物理电子学专业,硕博连读,导师:陈时友教授;
2017.09-2018.09 美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,博士联合培养,导师:Prof. Lin-Wang Wang;
2019.09-2021.08 复旦大学,物理系,博士后,合作导师:龚新高院士;
2021.09至今 伟德betvlctor体育官网,伟德国际1946源于英国,讲师。
主要研究方向包括新型光电半导体材料的设计,缺陷性质,以及载流子动力学性质的理论计算研究。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项(2024.01-2026.12)。目前发表SCI论文19余篇,包括Nature Electronics,Joule,InfoMat,Chemistry of Materials,Chemical Science,Solar RRL,Small,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,APL Materials等。论文被引用400余次。
[1] Zenghua Cai, Yuning Wu, Shiyou Chen, Energy-dependent knock-on damage of organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites under electron beam irradiation: First-principles insights, Appl. Phys. Lett., 119 (2021).
[2] Zenghua Cai, Chen-Min Dai, Shiyou Chen, Intrinsic defect limit to the electrical conductivity and a two-step p-type doping strategy for overcoming the efficiency bottleneck of Sb2S3-based solar cells, Sol. RRL, 4 (2020) 1900503.
[3] Zenghua Cai, Shiyou Chen, Extrinsic dopants in quasi-one-dimensional photovoltaic semiconductor Sb2S3: A first-principles study, J. Appl. Phys., 127 (2020).
[4] Zenghua Cai, Shiyou Chen, Lin-Wang Wang, Dissociation path competition of radiolysis ionization-induced molecule damage under electron beam illumination, Chem. Sci., 10 (2019) 10706-10715.
[5] Zenghua Cai, Prineha Narang, Harry A Atwater, Shiyou Chen, Chun-Gang Duan, Zi-Qiang Zhu, Jun-Hao Chu, Cation-mutation design of quaternary nitride semiconductors lattice-matched to GaN, Chem. Mater., 27 (2015) 7757-7764.
[6] Dan Han, Bonan Zhu, Zenghua Cai, Kieran B Spooner, Stefan S Rudel, Wolfgang Schnick, Thomas Bein, David O Scanlon, Hubert Ebert, Discovery of multi-anion antiperovskites X6NFSn2 (X= Ca, Sr) as promising thermoelectric materials by computational screening, Matter, 7 (2024) 158-174.
[7] Song Yu, Zenghua Cai, Deyan Sun, Yu-Ning Wu, Shiyou Chen, Defect MoS misidentified as MoS2 in monolayer MoS2 by scanning transmission electron microscopy: A first-principles prediction, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14 (2023) 1840-1847.
[8] Kai Liu, Saqib Rafique, Stefania F Musolino, Zenghua Cai, Fengcai Liu, Xiaoguo Li, Yongbo Yuan, Qinye Bao, Yingguo Yang, Jiao Chu, Covalent bonding strategy to enable non-volatile organic cation perovskite for highly stable and efficient solar cells, Joule, 7 (2023) 1033-1050.
[9] Mengling Xia, Guangda Niu, Linyue Liu, Runlong Gao, Tong Jin, Pengying Wan, Weicheng Pan, Xianpeng Zhang, Zuoxiang Xie, Sam Teale, Zenghua Cai, Jiajun Luo, Shan Zhao, Haodi Wu, Shiyou Chen, Zhiping Zheng, Qingguo Xie, H. Edward Sargent, Jiang Tang, Organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite scintillators for mixed field radiation detection, InfoMat, 4 (2022) e12325.
[10] Dingrong Liu, Zenghua Cai, Yu-Ning Wu, Shiyou Chen, First-principles identification of VI+ Cui defect cluster in cuprous iodide: origin of red light photoluminescence, Nanotechnology, 33 (2022) 195203.
[11] Wenya Wei, Siwei Yang, Gang Wang, Teng Zhang, Wei Pan, Zenghua Cai, Yucheng Yang, Li Zheng, Peng He, Lei Wang, Bandgap engineering of two-dimensional C3N bilayers, Nat. Electron., 4 (2021) 486-494.
[12] Menglin Huang, Zenghua Cai, Shanshan Wang, Xin‐Gao Gong, Su‐Huai Wei, Shiyou Chen, More Se vacancies in Sb2Se3 under Se‐rich conditions: an abnormal behavior induced by defect‐correlation in compensated compound semiconductors, Small, 17 (2021) 2102429.
[13] Jiangming Cao, Menglin Huang, Dingrong Liu, Zenghua Cai, Yu-Ning Wu, Xiang Ye, Shiyou Chen, Defects and dopants in zinc-blende aluminum arsenide: a first-principles study, New J. Phys., 23 (2021) 013018.
[14] Ying Bai, Zenghua Cai, Yu-Ning Wu, Shiyou Chen, Enhancing neutron radiation resistance of silicon-based semiconductor devices through isotope separation and enrichment, Radia. Eff. Defects Solids, 176 (2021) 419-430.
[15] Tao Zhang, Zenghua Cai, Shiyou Chen, Chemical trends in the thermodynamic stability and band gaps of 980 halide double perovskites: A high-throughput first-principles study, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12 (2020) 20680-20690.
[16] Menglin Huang, Zenghua Cai, Shiyou Chen, Quasi-one-dimensional Sb2(S,Se)3 alloys as bandgap-tunable and defect-tolerant photocatalytic semiconductors, J. Chem. Phys., 153 (2020).
[17] Xian Zhang, Menglin Huang, Peng Xu, Chen-Min Dai, Zenghua Cai, Dan Han, Shiyou Chen, Earth-abundant photovoltaic semiconductor NaSbS2 in the rocksalt-derived structure: A first-principles study, Prog. Nat. Sci., 29 (2019) 322-328.