















2016.09-2020.06 重庆大学,动力工程及工程热物理专业,博士,导师:刘朝教授;

2019.01-2020.03 美国华盛顿州立大学,生物系统工程专业,联合培养博士,导师:Prof. Hanwu Lei

2020.12-至   今 伟德betvlctor体育官网,伟德国际1946源于英国,讲师。




1. 国家自然科学基金项目氢氟烃混合工质热稳定性及热分解机理研究2022.01-2024.12,在研,主持

2. 苏州市农业科技创新项目木质素定向催化热解制取富芳香烃燃油研究2021.07-2024.06,在研,主持

3. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目基于中高温环境下的氢氟烃和烷烃混合工质热稳定性研究2021.07-2024.06,在研,主持

4. 低品位能源利用技术及系统教育部重点实验室开放课题氢氟烃混合工质热稳定性及热分解中各组分相互抑制机制研究2021.01-2022.12,在研,主持

5. 重庆市研究生创新基金项目“HFO工质热稳定性及热分解机理研究2017.09-2019.06,结题,主持

6. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目氢氟烃和烷烯烃混合工质热物性与基因组的研究2019.01-2022.12,在研,参与



1. E. Huo, Z. Hu, S. Wang, L. Xin, M Bai, Thermal decomposition and interaction mechanism of HFC-227ea/n-hexane as a zeotropic working fluid for organic Rankine cycle, Energy, 2022 (246) 123435

2. E Huo*, L Xin, S Zhang, C Liu, S Wang, L Zhang, The combustion mechanism of leaking propane (R290) in O2 and O2/H2O environments: ReaxFF molecular dynamics and density functional theory study, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022(161) 603-610;

3. E. Huo*, L. Xin, S. Wang, Q. Li, C. Liu, The impact of H2O on the combustion of n-pentane: A reactive molecular dynamic simulation study, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022(345) 117036;

4. E Huo*, S Zhang, L Xin, S Wang, S Cai, L Zhang, M Bai, Pyrolysis mechanism study of n-heptane as an endothermic hydrocarbon fuel: A reactive molecular dynamic simulation and density functional theory calculation study, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 2022(1211) 113696;

5. E. Huo*, C. Liu, L. Xin, Y. Zhang, Y. Zhao, M. Qian, X. Lin, H. Lei*, Jet fuel range hydrocarbons production by co-pyrolysis of low density polyethylene and wheat straw over activated carbon catalyst, Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2021, 5(23) 6145-6156;

6. E. Huo*, L. Xin, C. Liu, S. Wang, Combustion mechanism of n-pentane, isopentane and neopentane as environmentally friendly workings: ReaxFF molecular dynamic simulations study, Theoretical Chemistry Accounts, 2021, 140(11): 1-13;

7. E. Huo, Q. Li, C. Liu*, Z. Huang*, L. Xin, Experimental and theoretical studies on the thermal stability and decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z) with POE lubricant, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 147 (2020) 104795

8. E. Huo, D. Duan, H. Lei, C. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Wu, Y. Zhao, Z. Huang, M. Qian, Q. Zhang, X. Lin, C. Wang, W. Mateo, E. M. Villota, R. Ruan, Phenols production form Douglas fir catalytic pyrolysis with MgO and biomass-derived activated carbon catalysts, Energy 199 (2020) 117459

9. E. Huo, H. Lei, C. Liu, Y. Zhang, L. Xin, Y. Zhao, M. Qian, Q. Zhang, X. Lin, C. Wang, W. Mateo, E. M. Villota, R. Ruan, Jet fuel and hydrogen produced from waste plastics catalytic pyrolysis with activated carbon and MgO, Science of The Total Environment, 2020(727) 138411;

10. 霍二光,刘朝*,李期斌,王述昆,辛立勇, 基于ReaxFF模拟的正戊烷热分解机理研究, 工程热物理学报, 2020(01) 61-67

11. E. Huo, C. Liu*, X. Xu, L. Liu, S. Wang, Dissociation mechanism of HFC-245fa on Cu(1 1 1) surfaces with and without oxygen-covered: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science, 2019(480) 487-496

12. E. Huo, C. Liu*, L. Xin, X. Li, X. Xu, Q. Li, S. Wang, C. Dang, Thermal stability and decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z) as an environmental friendly working fluid: experimental and theoretical study, International Journal of Energy Research, 2019(43) 4630-4643

13. E. Huo, C. Liu*, X. Xu, Q. Li, C. Dang, S. Wang, C. Zhang, The oxidation decomposition mechanisms of HFO-1336mzz(Z) as an environmentally friendly refrigerant in O2/H2O environment, Energy, 2019(185) 1154-1162

14. 霍二光,刘朝*,徐肖肖, HFO-1336mzz(Z)氧化分解机理的DFT研究, 工程热物理学报, 2019(02) 252-257

15. E. Huo, C. Liu*, X. Xu, Q. Li, C. Dang, Dissociation mechanisms of HFO-1336mzz(Z) on Cu(1 1 1), Cu(1 1 0) and Cu(1 0 0) surfaces: A density functional theory study, Applied Surface Science, 2018(443) 389-400

16. E. Huo, C. Liu*, X. Xu, Q. Li, C. Dang,A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the oxidation decomposition mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z), International Journal of Refrigeration, 2018(93) 249-258

17. E. Huo, C. Liu*, X. Xu, C. Dang, A ReaxFF-based molecular dynamics study of the pyrolysis mechanism of HFO-1336mzz(Z), International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017(83) 118-130

18. 霍二光,戴源德,耿平,曹孟冰,R1234zeR152a混合制冷剂替代R22的可行性, 化工学报, 2015(12) 4725-4729.


1. E Huo*, C Liu, X Xu, THEORETICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE THERMAL DECOMPOSITION MECHANISM OF HFO-1336MZZ(Z), 9th Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, June 11-13, 2018, Sapporo, JAPAN (口头报告,EI收录会议论文)

2. 霍二光*, 刘一周, 杨峥, 宋知衡, 郭志青, 郭浩然, 白孟娜*, 刘朝, 基于活性炭催化剂的低密度聚乙烯和木质素催化共热解生成芳香烃的研究, 2021年工程热物理年会工程热力学与能源利用分会,20224月,长沙(口头报告);

3. 霍二光,刘朝*,徐肖肖, HFO-1336mzz(Z)氧化分解机理的DFT研究, 2017年工程热物理年会工程热力学与能源利用分会,201710月,宁波(口头报告).

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